Friday, March 13, 2015

Neonatology Consult

On March 3rd (34 weeks), we had a consult with our family coordinator and a neonatologist.  We discussed more about what to expect with Emily’s birth, surgery and recovery.  Earlier that week, a team of doctors discussed our case and made a plan of action regarding what needed to be done specific to our baby.  It was decided that it would be best to deliver at 37 weeks, due to the size of Emily’s head.  This was balanced with the need to wait until full-term when her lungs would be mature enough and she would be strong enough to handle surgery.   

Our beautiful Emily Quinn will be born on March 24th!!   

We were in shock that it was only 3 weeks away and her birthday would be in March, and so excited and anxious to meet her!   As of right now, that is only 11 days away!  The neurosurgeon we met with is scheduled in the OR beginning that week so she will be the one doing our baby’s surgery either that same night or the next day (March 25th).  We were told ahead of time that a classical (or vertical) cut is probable since Emily is breech and her head is bigger than 40 weeks.  This is disappointing for me because that means I won’t ever be able to attempt a vaginal birth and subsequent pregnancies will have to be delivered at 37 weeks for risk of tearing the old incision.  They will try to do the lateral (or horizontal) cut if they can, so here’s to hoping that will be the case and I can attempt to avoid a C-section next time!

During the C-section, there will be a team of neonatologists, respiratory therapists and a team for collecting her cord blood, as well as doctors, nurses, assistants and Bryan, of course!  A lot of people there to meet our baby girl for the first time!

As Emily grows, neonatologists will assess her development and determine if she needs occupational therapy , speech/oral therapy or physical therapy.  We want to do everything we can to ensure that Emily reaches her full potential.  It’s humbling how we started this pregnancy with specific desires and wishes for our baby and now our perspective is changed forever.  I would give anything for my daughter to lead a life full of happiness, love, laughter and the ability to think for herself.  More than anything, I want her to be a part of the beauty of life and be able to enjoy it.  Our sweet girl will struggle more than we ever thought, which breaks my heart because I tried my best to create a life for her that was easier and healthier than mine.  I’ve dreamed about her for as long as I can remember, and while she will be different than what I’ve imagined, she will be a beautiful miracle.  I hope her pain never lasts long and her struggles never hold her back.

“And though she be but little, she is fierce.” – Shakespeare

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